Tuesday 16 March 2010

i have just registered for race for life 2010. i feel it is time to give back and help people who need the help of others!! i have had 2 grandparents pass away due to cancer!! i have had a friend also been diagnosed with cancer and who beat it!! and now both my boyfriends parents have cancer, one is in remisson and the other is living with it but doing extemley well you wouldn't even think they were sick!!!

i believe i should be proud of myself for this and i am. i just hoope i get a good reponse from people and my sponsership is successful.

i will being doing 5k which is just over 3miles for the race! i'm not in the fittest condition but i will do my utter best to complete the race. i do not care if i am fast or not its all for the cause and not the winning.

i'll keep you update and if i know you. i will be approaching you for sponsership so dig deep in your heart and pockets and give what you can!! xx

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