Monday 8 March 2010


believe it or not but in the 26 years if me being on this planet i have never been to a zoo untill now!!! i don't know if it is normal for a 26 year old to have such fun at the zoo, but my goodness oh did i. my wonderful boyfriend took me as a treat as i had never been and it was brilliant!!!! we seen everything from pigs in the little childrens pet farm to zebra's and a dancing elephant. it was so funny standing there looking at these amazing animals and here is an elephant there swaying from side to side and swaying its trunk it almost looked like it was dancing trying to put on a show for us, it was the cutiest thing. maybe they should start a strictly dancing for animals!!!!!!
i would have to say my favourite animal would have to be the meerkat (pictured above) they are the funniest animals ever. if you have ever seen the compare the adverts on telly you get the idea haha.
since i'm new to this blogging situation i will not say any more and from now on keep everyone up to date with all the adventures of my life. not that there's much excitment!! any how till next time,

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